
I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year with new opportunities, lots of joy and magical experiences. Use the strength and light you have in you and stay focused on what you want and choose for your life. When you look back on this year, focus on what you have [...]

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Many of you may have heard of the Cherokee legend. The old man who tells his grandchildren about the two wolves we all have inside us: a black wolf and a white wolf. The black one is the darkness in us and the white one is the light in us. The two are constantly fighting for space. The grandchild asks who is coming

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Have you ever experienced feelings that you don't know where they come from? You get up and are in balance and suddenly you feel sick - your stomach clenches or a sadness rises from within you. What can you do in such cases? The first thing, of course, is to ask yourself if you

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Simple healing exercise: Connect with your heart and imagine that there is a light in your heart that is growing, getting bigger and bigger. Take a few minutes until you see (with your inner eyes) or/and feel it filling your whole being. Then visualize the light flowing into all your cells.

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Evening ritual: stand by a window or open the door/porch door and look up at the sky. Surrender any worries and problems you may have to "the universe". You can also call it "god", "the stars", "the angels" or whatever feels best to you. Imagine that with each and every exhalation you surrender everything to a right power and you empty

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Morning routine Ask yourself every day: who do I want to be today? What is the best version of myself that I want to bring with me every single minute today? Imagine you are expanding your heart. Physically, you can take your shoulders back and stretch your chest forward a little. Feel that the person you

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How do we use words? "Language is power, and we need to find out what power it has." -Mina Hennum Mohseni Today I want to encourage you to notice how you say things - what you say - how you use words. Words carry an energy with them. They immediately evoke emotions. Listen.

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Week 45/2020

Man Plans God Laughs is the thirteenth studio album from American hip hop group Public Enemy, released in 2015. "God laughs when you make a plan". We all know that life doesn't go according to plan. After all, on a day-to-day basis many people, perhaps the vast majority of people, plan almost everything and everyday life is full of

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Week 44/2020

We all have around 80,000 thoughts in the course of a day. Our thoughts are connected to our emotions and again we easily act based on thoughts and emotions. What about using the flow of thoughts consciously? Being aware of what we're thinking is a job that requires some discipline, but can be practiced and trained. What you

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Week 43/2020

The center of the storm is called the eye. The eye is the focal point of the hurricane, the point around which the rest of the storm rotates and where the lowest surface pressure is found in the storm. The sky is often clear over the eye and the wind is relatively light. It is actually the calmest part of any hurricane. The eye is so calm because the

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