When you are in touch with yourself,
you will get answers to all your questions and you will live the life
you really desire.

Something for you?
My goal is to guide you so that you get the glow, inspiration and clarity you need to move forward in your life, privately and/or professionally. You will experience useful and effective techniques that contribute to a stable and positive change and growth. My intuitive abilities can help you put things in perspective, adopt a different objectivity, and understand relationships you haven't seen before. It will also help you open up to your own intuition and your inner knowledge. When we have good contact with ourselves and a clear understanding of what we want, the body's energies also get a good flow and restore of the balance you have worked for.

Anything for you as a leader?
You as a leader can help your employees to have better well-being. It will have a very positive effect on motivation, identification, loyalty and communication.


A membership gives you access to exercises and meditations that I post once a week. You will feel a continuous follow-up even if you do not take individual hours. The exercises and meditations will help you reduce stress, find balance and energy, resolve blockages and raise awareness

Guidance on Meditation

When we start meditating regularly, you will experience several positive effects in your life. Calming down thoughts and centering itself will strengthen communication between different parts of our brain.
In the theta state, our mind experiences the feeling of happiness and compassion. We are capable of increased learning, healing and growth.
By going to this frequency we can influence the dominant, unconscious part of us that is normally inaccessible to our conscious mind.
We're in a state where change can happen.

Meditation course at Nesodden, 8 evenings start 22.10. – fully booked!
A new course is planned for February/March. Send mail if you are interested in getting an invitation.

I also offer personal meditations that I channel (15-20 min audio file / NOK 800), which you can listen to as many times as you want.

Get in touch with me and write a little about what topics you want help with, and I'll create the meditation for this particular topic.

Skogsmagi in Nesoddmarka

not available now as I'm working on another project. It will be a book about my experiences with creatures of nature.

Once a month I take a group of women out into the woods. I call our trips "forest magic".
We go into Nesoddmarka and stop at two power stations. I tell about the energies of the places and we open up to the energies. There will be exercises and healing.  

On the trips I have one or two colleagues with me and there is toning, drumming and sometimes an experience of the language of light.
During the periods when it is allowed to light a fire, we also sit by the fire.
If you want to join one of the trips, contact me via e-mail ( beate@buchner.no ).

The tours start and end at Alværn Ungdomsskole and last from 18.15 to approx. 21.40