Happy lions gate

Dear members, Big decisions come suddenly, but maybe not so strange when we have the lion portal open today (8.8.): I have decided to shut down the membership site for a while. It feels right at the moment to make a total cut to see what shape this page wants to be brought back to life at a later [...]

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After some good and delicious summer weeks, it can feel a little "cramped" to land in everyday life and your body again. This meditation guides you to create a healing space that you can always return to. It's a good idea to do it several times on a regular basis, so you establish the space and it will be easy for you to

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This routine is good to do one or two hours before going to bed, at least when you don't intend to use your phone or computer anymore. A simple and short but effective evening routine that will give you a better night's sleep and cleanse you of electrosmog. I am now taking a vacation and will be back

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I'm often asked what kind of routines I have in the morning. Here you get a little taste of it. I love setting intentions! It's amazing to see how they work, and I have lots of great stories to tell. Try it for yourself! By the way, I'm taking a vacation from 9.7-30.07. 🌿 26 Kalenderwoche Ich werde oft gefragt

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Maybe you're feeling a little more tired than usual, and you're feeling the strong energies that are currently at work. This meditation will help you to gain more power and feel more whole in yourself during this time. Happy summer solstice! Take care of yourself! Week 25

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Now it's hot and our bodies benefit so much from the heat... harness this effect with this meditation and let the heat flow through you! Week 24 Nun ist es an den meisten Orten angenehm warm. For some it may be too warm. Our bodies benefit immensely from being warmed up. Take advantage of this warmth

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