Beate Buchner

I was born and raised in Munich, Germany. In 2003 I moved to Norway and have lived at Nesodden ever since. I love working with people and have done it all my life. I am trained pedag and certified consultant facilitator within Three In One Concepts (2003), and certified Thetahealer (2009). I have had practice at Nesodden since 2003. I am a course leader, speaker and write articles for related topics.


The energies are feeling quite demanding at the moment. A lot of old themes and feelings can surface for us to finally let them go. Many may find themselves tired and fatigued... in addition, the heat is taking its toll. This meditation will invigorate you and give you more energy to master everything [...]

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Are you in need of cleansing and healing energies? Use this audio file as often as you like and receive the healing. Best done lying down - and remember that you can always stop the recording and enjoy the energies at your own pace.

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Week 15/2023

This meditation can also be used as a simple exercise to open the heart chakra. Very easy to do even in the middle of the day and when you have some time. Once you've completed the meditation, it's easy to recreate the energies. Very nice to keep the images you get alive in your everyday life. An open heart chakra gives you peace of mind

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This week has been special, astrologically speaking. Pluto has now entered the sign of Aquarius and it is said that there are massive influxes of light on earth. Maybe you're feeling a little more tired than usual and your body wants a little more rest than usual. This exercise will help you to open

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Many people complain of back pain. There can be a lot of emotions in the back and I usually say that the back is our past. This little meditation is very effective, especially when you're struggling with back pain, but also in general.

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Week 7 & 8/2023

I was guided to encourage you to take time over the next two weeks to get more in touch with your emotions. It's going to become more and more essential to be in touch with your emotions. Most of us, including spiritual people, have lost touch with our emotions. Spiritualist Rudolf

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